Apparently today is the day to remember what you are thankful for. I have had two friends mention it so it's time to truly sit down and think about it.
What am I thankful for?
I am thankful for waking up this morning.
I am thankful for my three children, two of which just celebrated their birthdays. The shock of finding out about Maria has worn off and she is completely mine. Even though the teenage years are insane, I am thankful that we have made it to them.
I am thankful for a wonderful husband who loves me. I am thankful for the job that he has so he can provide for me and my family.
I am thankful for another day to spend with my sister. It is hard only seeing her every few months, but I have my phone and I have my computer. Every day she must battle to be here and I am so proud of her, for keeping up the fight!
I am thankful for the neighbors that I have. Never in a million years could I have thought I would be so blessed with loving neighbors that I consider more like family.
I am thankful for my family: in-laws, out-laws and everyone in between. This includes all my friends: young and old. You have all touched my life in so many ways.
I am thankful for the men and women who serve our country to protect us and our freedom. I also am thankful to the families that live and breathe that sacrifice with them: wives, parents, children and friends. We are a country that takes freedom for granted. We have food, clean water, houses, a bed and all of this is normal here. If we do not protect it, we will not have it. BUT, I also believe it it our job to help those that do not have these things.
I am thankful for having a forgiving God that loves me despite my flaws. I am thankful that he has given me another day on this planet to love my children. It is to you, God, that I give all my thanksgiving and praise. For without you, or your son, I would not have any thing to be thankful for.
What are YOU thankful for????
OMG how adorable are your kids? Those hats made me smile.
Love your blog!!!
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