Me & the Family

Me & the Family

Monday, January 23, 2012


Another New Year's Eve has come and gone and we are left in the now to discover if all any of our resolutions will stick.

I think it's a good time to take a glance back at your previous goals and see how you did.  We often forget about those resolutions after a few short weeks.  

How does one maintain a resolution?

Last year my desire was to help out in the community monthly and to start a bible study that I felt God was urging me to do.  I did fulfill my resolution - but now it's time to make some more changes.  

BTW it took me a YEAR to obey God and start that bible study.

AND sometimes serving in the community doesn't look like you expect it to.  

So, do you think you don't need to change????

The Lord will always call us to change more. 
Even the parts that we think are jusssst fine.

I have been struggling with this.  "Lord, why do you want me to change that?  That part of me is fine!  I'm not breaking your laws.  Why would you want this to change?"  But then it dawned on me - maybe he needs me to change so that my kids have what THEY NEED.  Maybe my changing with help them in their walk?!

This year I have made some resolutions.  My first resolution is to continue to find ways to save more money this year.  The Lord has provided us with an income and we need to stay within it.  In the past I have always worked a full-time job and made nearly 1/2 of our household income.  After coming home a little over 2 years ago our income has decreased - but it hasn't been until the past year that I have really tried to decrease our spending.  Granted, we stopped eating out as much, but there are more things that I can do around the house to save some pennies.

My second resolution is to maintain a cleaner household.  I need it to a level of "maintained."  If my husband is going to be the main provider of the home then I need to make sure that it is clean when he gets here.  Yes, there are many children that are in and out of this house all the time - but I need that to not be an excuse to have a dirty house.  I will just need to focus more on the details of the home instead of throwing an excuse at them. has helped me achieve this!

My third resolution is to be mindful of my children's needs.  This has always been my goal as a parent, but as my children grow and change the job itself changes.  They are all teenagers now (13, 14 & 15) and I have to remember what it is to be that age.  I need to encourage them to do what is right, when the world tells them something else.  We have created a space for them to have friends over, but I feel like God is calling us to do more. Not sure how this will translate into action, but I have some ideas.  

My fourth resolution, which should actually be my FIRST is to be more prayerful this year.  Prayer is something that is every hard for me - as my brain is always going a million miles a minute and even during prayer I have a to-do list in the background.  I have to make time for God - ALONE TIME.  

So, to you I have some questions.



Remember, to fail is to say that you have given up!  You can always start again.  Every morning there is a sunrise you have a new day to START AGAIN!

Take a washable marker and write your reminders on your mirror - so you can see them in the morning and at night!  Here is just one reminder I have:  

1 comment:

sabbiwhims said...

I need a washable marker :)