Me & the Family

Me & the Family

Sunday, January 1, 2012

She Gave Her Eyes

Before my sister was diagnosed with cancer she was a vibrant serving christian woman.  She went to church weekly and raised her children to love the Lord. Amy had fun, went on youth trips and truly opened herslef up to the youth.  She was a normal everyday woman who loved God with her whole heart.

That being said, she still had all the luggage that we, as people, carry around: 

Past hurts.
Bad memories.

When Amy was diagnosed with cancer it was post-op.  One minute they were gearing up for gallbladder surgery and the next day she was in the hospital with heart failure - it was then they they were able to see that the problem was a tumor on her heart.  

Heart surgery?
They cracked open her little rib cage.

And GOD operated.

You see, when they split open her chest God cut out all of the baggage.  I swear to you that he did.  All those past hurts were gone.  All that lacked in her life became whole.

Everything she was changed.
Life as she and her family knew it was over.


Repeat for two years.

Amy went home to Heaven last July, but she left the world changed.  Not only by the heart that she gave to every she knew and met, but even beyond that.

She gave her eyes.

Someone somewhere has her eyes.  I'm guessing it was her cornea or something like that but I think about her eyes as a whole.  

Her vision.
Her heart.
Her zeal for life.
Her love of God.

In life.
After life.
Amy served others.


My neighbor is fighting the fight of her life as well.  She has now been put on the lung transplant list.  Robyn is on the list for dual-lung transplants.

Even though my sister fought for her life, she was completely covered by insurance.  Robyn is not.

INSANE medical costs have been accrued by the family while she has fought Cystic Fibrosis.  We, as a community have been trying to orchestrate fundraisers to help get them the funds necessary to cover the surgery and hopefully help them with the anti-rejection medication that will follow the rest of her life.

Robyn is a fighter.
Just like Amy.

I am trying to get the word out.
I am trying to rally the troops.
I am trying to help Robyn in a way that I could never help Amy.

Can you help????


Steven said...

You are a wonderful person for getting the word out. Having no insurance myself I know how insane medical costs are, and I don't even have anything near as life threatening as your sister or friend. I wish her well.

Plain Jane said...

Thanks Steve...I don't know about all of that, but I do think that we have to fight for those that we can. How are you doing? i'm not good about linking up through blogger very well...